Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Same Old Script

Every school shooting ends in the same sad predictable script:
  1. "Journalists" run to the scene with cameras to shove in front of sobbing, grieving people
  2. Network News shows scramble to create pseudo-events ("Townhall Meetings" with "Special Guests")
  3. Politicians run to the closest camera for airtime to prove they "care" and "Want to do something about this."
  4. The parents of the killer insist there were no signs... no indications... they can't believe it...
  5. The psychologists, social workers, teachers, counselors, police officers, district attorneys, doctors, and druggists who interacted with the lone killer lay low.
  6. The Government bureaucracies tasked with tracking, monitoring, and preventing mass killings disappear.
  7. Politicians insist the failings of government require further restrictions on the citizenry.
Clearly, this is messed up.

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