Sunday, March 20, 2016

Why I Am Not a Pacifist

The pacifist position holds that any form of violence is incompatible with Christianity. Pacifists tend to define “violence” broadly, encompassing oppression, compulsion, injury, and killing. 

Pacifists believe Christians should not be violent, since Jesus instituted a New Covenant in which “turning the other cheek” and suffering for the sake of the Gospel were marks of the sanctified believer.

I don’t support pacifism for a number of reasons. Therefore this blog isn’t what I’m against, as much as it lays out what the pro-defense position should be.

I propose several reasons pacifism is not required or even expected for all Christians at all times:
  • Rules and Intent: There is a very short list of forbidden behaviors in the New Testament, and defensive force is not on that list. 
  • Salt and Light: Christians are commanded to be salt and light in the World, in the world, but not of the world.
  • Commanded to Act: Christians are commanded to act, not merely believe.
  • Called to Be: The Church Body has many members, with many spiritual gifts, spirit enablements, and talents.
As there is no simple description for “those that disagree with the pacifist position,” I’ll use “Defenders” to describe an alternate Christian view.

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